The Brief
Improving Gym experience for uni. students
by enhancing functionality and engagement
of SportBrighton app
University of Brighton aims for a student-centered gym app. The app should simplify gym session bookings, offer pitch reservations for various sports, improve current annual membership sign-up process, and provide workout video tutorials for an enriched fitness experience.

The Problem
Revamping SportBrighton’s Gym App for an Enhanced Workout Experience
Firstly, the app suffers from inconsistent organisation, making it difficult for users
to understand the information architecture and find the desired features
The app faces branding issues, which may affect its recognition and trustworthiness among potential users.
The design of the app is subpar, lacking visual appeal and intuitive user interface elements.
Another significant concern is the app’s slow performance, leading to frustration and delays in accessing information and bookings.

I conducted formative testing, employing methods like usability testing and task-timing, to highlight app issues and user challenges.

Formative Testing
Usability Testing
Conducted usability testing with a diverse group of four users, including regular university gym-goers and users of other gym apps, to identify app issues. Tasks focused on core functionalities, totaling an average of 5.3 minutes per user. Supplementary methods included questionnaires and System Usability Scale (SUS) evaluations. Identified areas for improvement: prioritise enhancing homescreens and refining booking processes for a more intuitive user experience, particularly in membership bookings.


Revamping SportBrighton’s Gym App for an Enhanced Workout Experience
These wireframe concepts outline key screens planned for the Sport Brighton
App: login, homescreen, booking hub, timetable, activity showcase, cart, gym memberships, and workouts. The addition of a navigational bar enhances access to essential pages. This process streamlines activity booking, improving visibility and overall user experience for easier navigation.

Login Screen
Home Screen
Pitch Booking
Sports Session Availability Page
Workout Session

Improved Flow
Resolved user issues in the gym membership booking process by simplifying steps and enhancing clarity. The redesign ensures a direct path for membership selection and includes an informational pop-up for additional details. For sports activity bookings, streamlined the process to four screens, improving user flow and eliminating redundancy. Additionally, revamped initial colours for improved text visibility, addressing user concerns and refining overall usability.
Booking a pitch


Summrative testing
Usability Testing
Conducted usability testing post-redesign, resulting in a significant time improvement from 5.24 minutes to a avg of 1.24 minute per task. Users found the app quicker and more straightforward, noting a substantial improvement. Observations highlighted users’ swift navigation, occasionally missing minor details due to the controlled environment; however, this efficiency is expected to improve post-launch.”

Test Findings
Task 1
Booking sports session
Task 2
Booking a membership

Happy with the Sport Brighton App’s redesign, scoring over 60% improvement from start to finish. Positive feedback led to minor updates, keeping the app’s identity intact. Although some tests gathered repetitive data, the data helped improve the app’s design. Although I aspired to add interactive elements for enhanced user engagement , limitations within the app rendered them unnecessary.