Laila foods is a shop app which I had to create to work in conjunction with the website. It is a B2C targeted app where user can buy products, view recipes to make using them, view blog and more
Shop App
Laila foods is a shop app which I had to create to work in conjunction with the website. It is a B2C targeted app where user can buy products, view recipes to make using them, view blog and more
Laila App was created as my first project in a UX UI work environment. I was asked to create a app for a shop page which was already live. The main
aim of the app was to target B2C consumers. The app would consist of
all the products currently on the website, recipes, blogs and about the
The Problem
Laila App was created as my first project in a UX UI work environment. I was asked to create a app for a shop page which was already live. The main
aim of the app was to target B2C consumers. The app would consist of
all the products currently on the website, recipes, blogs and about the
Laila App was created as my first project in a UX UI work environment. I was asked to create a app for a shop page which was already live. The main
aim of the app was to target B2C consumers. The app would consist of
all the products currently on the website, recipes, blogs and about the
The current website has a lot going on and is not really user friendly.
For example to if I want to buy Laila 1kg rice I would have to search it
and go through all the sizes instead of selecting the product and just
changing the weight. I also felt like having better search options
would help better cater towards the people.
Laila App was created as my first project in a UX UI work environment. I was asked to create a app for a shop page which was already live. The main
aim of the app was to target B2C consumers. The app would consist of
all the products currently on the website, recipes, blogs and about the
The current website has a lot going on and is not really user friendly.
For example to if I want to buy Laila 1kg rice I would have to search it
and go through all the sizes instead of selecting the product and just
changing the weight. I also felt like having better search options
would help better cater towards the people.
I had to do a lot of research as this was my first project. I looked at
store apps such as ASDA, Waitrose, Amazon and more to get a better
insight into similar apps. I integrated some of the feature popular apps
used such as having the different product weight options in the product page and better search page.
Search Feature
I looked at store apps such as ASDA, Waitrose, Amazon and more to get a better insight into similar apps who use the search feature to
sell more products. The website currently doesn't have this feature
and I felt it would work better on the app. Some of the icons can
change over time e.g offers to make it easier for the customer to
find those products.
The recipes page is similar to the one on
the current page just more user friendly
for app users. The recipe page is still being
worked on so the design would change.
Home Page
Products Catalogue
The homepage is similar to the current website but
I felt making the products bigger helps see them
clearly. I also added a swipe motion to make it simple
for users to understand.
On the current website all the product quantity
are listed differently and you see the same product
multiple times on the same page. So for the app
I gave the option to change the quantity. I also
added a like icon so that users can favourite their
products so that they don't have to search each
time. I also added a filter option to make the
search process easier.
For the checkout I added a product summary so that​
users can add more quantity or remove products from
the final page. It would also allow them to make sure
they only got the products they required.